Buyer in visita a Padova Congress con Next Stop: Veneto

Buyer in visita a Padova Congress con Next Stop: Veneto

Nei giorni scorsi in occasione dell’educational Next Stop: Veneto, 27 buyer, event manager italiani di aziende e agenzie, potenzialmente interessati a Padova per organizzare meeting, congressi, convegni, incentive. L’evento è stato organizzato da Padova...
Operatori della meeting industry a confronto a Padova con Ediman

Operatori della meeting industry a confronto a Padova con Ediman

Padua is the meeting place of the meeting industry: in the last weeks, St. Anthony’s city held the Agencies & Corporate e-workshop promoted by Ediman, leading publisher for the sector. A unique occasion to mix business, networking, relaxation and culture...